Before the upcoming summer break, the Chair of the National Platform invited the members of the Steering Committee to the 12th meeting to address and discuss current mobility topics and to make related decisions for the continuation of the NPM work. On the agenda was the adoption of a number of important working group reports. In addition to the report of WG 1 Ways for more climate protection in transport, WG 3 presented its report Mobility budget and digitalized parking management as enablers for inter- and multimodal mobility. In addition, WG 3, together with WG 6, prepared the report Data and Networking – Standards and Norms for Intermodal Mobility in recent weeks, which was also up for discussion and adoption. In addition to its final report with key findings and recommendations, WG 5 presented two further thematic reports on the energy implications of sector coupling – energy requirements and on the infrastructure for hydrogen mobility. All reports will be published after adoption in the next weeks. Working Groups 2 and 4 informed the Steering Committee about ongoing work. Further points concerned the exchange with the representatives of the BMVI and BMBF on the current research needs as well as the concept and development of the results report at the end of the first phase of the NPM. The NPM will use the upcoming ITS World Congress in Hamburg from October 11 to 15 as an opportunity to present the work of the platform over the past three years to an international audience and to present the experiences and results in detail.