- Ten key points covering the future of mobility illustrate the key factors identified to date.
- The current structural change is to take into account Germany’s industrial competitiveness and employment situation.
- Innovation and openness towards all technologies are essential for the development of a future-oriented and sustainable mobility system.
- On our journey towards a sustainable mobility system, the needs and ideas of the users are part of the solution.
Today, NPM handed the first progress report to Andreas Scheuer, Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, and the German government. The report gives an in-depth overview of the work the NPM has done so far and is based on eleven interim reports which were produced and published during the year. Ten introductory key points address the key factors that affect the current mobility system. On account of the more and more obvious impact of the structural change in industry, securing industrial and human competitiveness, maintaining essential value chains, not giving preference to any particular technology, and innovation are at the forefront of a forward-looking mobility system.
“We are proud of the results of our work so far. We are aware that this is no mean feat. It is not just about demonstrating what our mobility will look like in the future. No, we need to look at which bigger developments have an impact on the entire mobility system and how we can incorporate them. What is really important in our work is to take into account the users’ perspective. What point is there in having the best ideas and concepts regarding the future of mobility if users do not accept them? We need to excite and captivate people on our journey towards the mobility of the future. These are essential prerequisites for making an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable mobility system a reality”, explains Henning Kagermann, chairman of the Steering Committee, during the handover of the progress report.
Federal Minister Andreas Scheuer states: “Today, I am holding the results of the work of the National Platform Future of Mobility in 2019. Even the interim report written by working group 1 was an important basis for our climate programme and provided valuable recommendations for implementation. We have actioned numerous suggestions made by experts and new recommendations will continue to be integrated in our work. We are supporting the national expansion of the charging infrastructure both financially and by setting up a national control centre for the charging infrastructure. But hydrogen propulsion for commercial vehicles and electricity-based fuels for trains and plains will also play an important role in reducing CO2 emissions. In this context, we have adopted a comprehensive package of measures. I would like to thank all the numerous experts who have worked tirelessly and with huge dedication in 2019 on solving the pressing questions in the field of sustainable mobility.”
In 2020, the NPM will build on lessons learnt and add to the working programme where necessary in order to develop and complete the currently evolving image of the mobility system of the future. Important developments are to be incorporated in a timely manner. In order to achieve this, the co-operation across working groups needs to be increased at various points, and know-how needs to be even better connected. Within working groups, the work will be consolidated on the basis of lessons learnt, and new aspects will be introduced.
WG 1 Transport and climate change and WG 2 Alternative drive technologies and fuels for sustainable mobility will join forces in looking at climate-policy regulation in light of the technical launch time of electric drives (battery and fuel cell) and alternative fuels in various vehicle segments. WG 3 Digitalisation for the mobility sector and WG 6 Standardisation, norms, certification and type approval will step up their co-operation in terms of regulation for autonomous and connected driving. WG 2 and AG 5 Connecting mobility and energy networks, sector integration will increase their joint work at the interface between the energy and transport sectors.
The progress report will soon be available to download on www.plattform-zukunft-mobilitaet.de (in German).
About NPM – National Platform Future of Mobility
The National Platform Future of Mobility brings together experts in the fields of politics, the private sector, associations, research institutes and NGOs to develop visions for sustainable, environment- and climate-friendly, affordable and competitive mobility in Germany. Presided by Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann, six working groups develop intermodal guidance to politicians, businesses and society in a technologically neutral way.
Alexandra Huß
Special Advisor on Communications
Office of the Chairman, National Platform Future of Mobility
+49 (0)30 / 206 30 96 86
+49 (0)160 / 714 93 25
©Ralf Brandt, BMVI