Press Release

5th Steering Committee Meeting: National Platform sees Climate Action Programme as starting point for transformation of mobility

National platform future of mobility

The National Platform Future of Mobility (NPM) considers the key points of the Climate Action Programme 2030 – which were presented by the German Federal Government at the end of September – to be a crucial foundation for climate-friendly transport. The Steering Committee of the NPM held its fifth consultation and discussion meeting today. Four of the six working groups took stock of their work so far in specialist reports.

“The recently adopted Climate Action Programme 2030 sets Germany on the right path to achieve its climate targets by 2030. The members of the NPM all agree that the measures now have to be implemented swiftly. Continuous monitoring is to make sure that adjustments can be made if the desired effect on climate is not achieved. The five reports of the working groups which were adopted today provide invaluable impetus to the transformation of the mobility system – be it in the area of alternative drives and fuels, added value and securing Germany as a production location, connecting energy and mobility sectors or standardisation and norms,” says Henning Kagermann, chairman of the Steering Committee, in summary of today’s meeting.

Alternative drives and fuels reduce CO2 emissions from transport

The first interim report of WG 2 focusses on the technical feasibility as well as the possible applications of electric drives, hydrogen vehicles and alternative fuels. All three options have significant potential to lower CO2 emissions from transport. Alternative drives and fuels are required in different modes of transport: motorised private transport, local and long-distance public transport and goods transport.

Value creation in electric, hybrid and internal combustion engine vehicles

In light of the predicted market shares of electric, hybrid and internal combustion engine vehicles, the first interim report of WG 4 addresses the value networks for lithium-ion battery cells, power electronics and internal combustion engines. The structural change towards electric mobility and digitalisation has a huge impact on the automotive value chain. The WG also examines the associated effects on employment and consequences for training and qualification of skilled workers and will report on this further.

Role of hydrogen and natural gas for sector coupling

Report Roadmap Power-to-X
Hydrogen (H2) can be the source material for the coupling of the electricity and transport energy sectors. Its generation using electrolysis forms the basis for electricity-based fuels. In order to create a competitive market for green electrolytic hydrogen early on, large consumers of H2, such as the chemical and steel industries as well as refineries, are to be involved in this development.

Report “LNG and CNG strategy in heavy goods vehicle traffic”
One way of lowering CO2 emissions from transport is to use natural gas (LNG and CNG) instead of Diesel in heavy goods vehicle traffic. The addition of biomethane and bio-LNG would bring further climate-friendly effects. Demand stimulation and tax incentives as well as simplified approval processes for the upgrade of infrastructure can all contribute to a faster market development.

Standardisation, norms, certification and type approval

Working group 6 aims at developing a “Future of Mobility” standardisation roadmap for which the White Paper presented here forms the basis.
With the involvement of all working groups, the main challenges for the transformation of the mobility system were identified in order to highlight cross-industry standardisation needs as well as necessary adjustments of certification and type approval processes. The focus areas of automated and connected driving, drive power, electricity network, interconnection, data and life cycle were all discussed.

All reports will soon be available to download on the NPM website (in German).

About NPM – National Platform Future of Mobility

The National Platform Future of Mobility brings together experts in the fields of politics, the private sector, associations, research institutes and NGOs to develop visions for sustainable, environment- and climate-friendly, affordable and competitive mobility in Germany. Presided by Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann, six working groups develop intermodal guidance to politicians, businesses and society in a technologically neutral way.


Alexandra Huß
Special Advisor on Communications
Office of the Chairman, National Platform Future of Mobility
+49 (0)30 / 206 30 96 86
+49 (0)160 / 714 93 25

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